Generate configurable passwords using lowercase, uppercase, numbers and special characters.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
You will need Java 1.8 installed and Apache Maven 3.6+ configured on your system path.
It’s best to use the OpenJDK, Windows users can get binaries from AdoptOpenJDK.
git clone
mvn compile package
java -cp target/secrets-factory.jar za.web.skerwe.factory.SecretsFactory
A default password of 12 lenght will be generated, consisting of 4 uppercase, 4 lowercase, 2 numbers and 2 special characters.
To configure the amount of characters:
java -cp target/dependency/;target/secrets-factory.jar za.web.skerwe.factory.SecretsFactory -l 4 -u 3 -d 3 -s 2
The tests use Junit and the Hamcrest assertion library
mvn test
mvn pmd:pmd
mvn checkstyle:checkstyle
mvn cobertura:cobertura
mvn javadoc:javadoc
mvn site:run
mvn site
mvn dashboard:dashboard
This project is licensed under the GNU GPLv3 License - see the LICENSE file for details